Information Overkill on Social Media

Siddhant Dugar
3 min readApr 26, 2020

Some thoughts on the present state of Information overload on Social Media platforms which I feel might strike a chord with many of us right now.

I’ll try to be as precise and straightforward as possible in making my point.

A majority of us had started using social media in its raw stages and gradually got to see it developing in course of time, but what about the generation that’s just reaching adolescence or a huge number of those people who weren’t that social&just signed up?

The bombardment of news(large portion of which is Fake News!) and other info on every major Social Media platform during this Coronavirus Pandemic might lead to not only the new users but all of us being perplexed.

Credit: Jen Christiansen; Source: Information Disorder: Toward an Interdisciplinary Framework for Research and Policymaking, by Claire Wardle and Hossein Derakhshan. Council of Europe, October 2017

I know it might be going through many of yours’ mind that there are huge benefits of social media and how in different ways it is making us lead better lives. I do agree that its benefits outweigh its negative impacts. But we also must not blindly accept all of its shortcomings.

Lately the Social Media has become a weapon of “MASS DISTRACTION”.

> The millenial generation constitutes the largest portion of social media users and it is our activity that drives it.

> It is really important that we have this conversation so that we must preserve the true spirit of what Social Media reflects.

A tool created for bringing us closer may no longer remain the same.

The biggest example of it is what happened in 2016 US Elections with Facebook & Cambridge Analytica. Social Media has now become the ideal platform for dividing people rather than bringing them together.


One might also feel that by reading about different domains using different sources he/she is gaining knowledge of different fields.

I agree to an extent but for every person that information is of pretty less worth given the time being spent on gathering it.

> Applications like Twitter,LinkedIn & Medium are flooded with content that seems unfathomable and irrelevant at sometimes.

> One has to really ponder over how to find the information which can actually be of some help to him/her.

We must develop a sense of Selective ignorance.

Ignorance may be bliss, but it is also practical.It is important one learns to redirect all info and interruptions that are :

- Irrelevant

- Unimportant

- Unactionable

Most of all what we see on Social Media now falls into all three!

If you don’t believe what I wrote, just go through all that you’ve read today and you’ll realise more than 80% of that was avoidable!

It’s time we recognise the trouble it can cause and act accordingly.

Thanks A Lot for reading it till the end and feel free to drop your feedback.I’m sure I’ll write a lot more interesting things in the future. Have a good day! :)

